AR2022 Speakers
Speakers will include:
Paul Adam (UNSW) Homicidal plants and tolerant numbats
Brian Bicknell (Sydney) The impact of photobiomodulation on the gut biome: it’s real but is it the mechanism?
Alice Brandli (Melbourne) Adaptive immunity within the eye
Arturo Bravo Nuevo (Philadelphia) Myo/Nog cells, potential drivers of acquired resilience
Edward Calabrese (Massachusetts) The Biology and Logic of Hormesis
Peter Carre (Sydney) Resilience needed for the commercialisation of new ideas in medical societies – the opportunities and the challenges
Massimo Contini (Florenze) A novel predictive model for early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases based on ocular movements delay detection
Stefano Di Marco (Italy) Nutra-prosthetics: resiliently cope with pathology to successfully implant new technologies
Benedetto Falsini (Roma) Targeting retinal ganglion cell degeneration in optic pathway glioma: the emerging role of nerve growth factor
Ivan Fernandez Neuroprotective effects of preconditioned mesenchymal stem cells secretome on retina degeneration
Mindy George Weinstein (Philadelphia) Activation of Myo/Nog cells in response to stress induced by foreign cells
Helder André (Stockholm) Hypoxia in the eye: from acquired resilience to pathology
Glen Jeffery (London) Photobiomodulation-induced changes in circulating cytokines – interpretation
Niels Jessen (Aahus) Skeletal muscle, use them or lose them
Daniel Johnstone (Newcastel) Remote tissue conditioning: localised stressors enhancing body-wide resilience
Marcus Andersson (Sydney) Resilience induced by ultrasound
Ann Liebert (Sydney) Photobiomodulation: new therapeutic opportunities
Riccardo Natoli (Canberra) Running to save sight: voluntary exercise modulates pathways associated with age-related macular degeneration
Michael O’Connor (Sydney) Elucidating molecular resilience pathways using light-focusing human micro-lenses
Matthew O’Neal (Ames) Stripping for resilience
Iliana Piano (Pisa) Visual function to diagnose and monitor central neurodegenerative processes and evaluate the potential of neuroprotective treatments
Des Richardson (Brisbane) Combating resilience in cancer cells
Álvaro Santana-Garrido (Sevilla) The potential of wild olive (acebuche) oil as a pharm-food to prevent hypertensive eye disease
Jonathan Stone (Sydney) Why stress-induced? The evolutionary basis of acquired resilience
Janine Tsai (Philadelphia) Neuroprotective effect of M/N cells in a murine model of glaucoma
And more, from whom we are still gathering details.
AR 2022
The Society’s second conference Meeting
September 27th-29th 2022